These are some simple tips to make airline travel more stress-free. By planning ahead, and following the airline rules and regulations, you should be able to have an enjoyable trip. While you cannot always be prepared for the unexpected delay, by following these suggestions you'll be ready to enjoy your travel time and maybe even look forward to it. Call the airlines at least four hours prior to leaving to check on your flight. Print out your own boarding pass by going to the airline website before leaving for the airport. This will help to speed you along when you arrive at the departures area. You can also check your lightweight luggage curbside at many airports. Have your luggage tags on the bags, and remove all old travel stickers. Be at the airport early enough to go through security and arrive at the gate with enough time to buy yourself a snack and some great reading material. There are often delays, so anticipate them and be early! Always add extra time during peak travel periods. The usual guideline is one hour on domestic flights and two hours on international flights. Factor in some extra time giving you enough leeway for all of the unexpected time consuming delays that are inevitable when you're running behind.
Keep your discount luggage packed within the airline weight restrictions. These are generally fifty pounds per piece with a maximum of two pieces per person. Use only the TSA locks which is the lock allowed by the airlines. Always check the baggage information before hand as airlines do differ in their regulations. Overweight luggage will incur extra baggage handling charges, and that will hold you up getting to the gate. If you are taking too many bags, you can also be charged extra. Pack your luggage neatly and do not overstuff your bag. If security decides to go through your luggage, they need to be able to repack the bag easily. Packing cubes are extremely handy and will organize your bag. They will keep small items together and your underclothing in one place. Since liquids and gels now need to be packed in your luggage, wrap them securely. Keep them in a lined case for this purpose to protect your clothing. Gifts must be kept unwrapped in your luggage also.
Be sure your carryon bag and personal bag are the right size for the airline you are using. Do not attempt to bring on more than allowed. You'll either have to gate check, or go back to the baggage area. Check with the airlines before hand, so you will not hold up the boarding process. Pack your carryon with the correct travel accessories. The 3-1-1 bags is the only way you can carry liquids or gels onto the plane. This is a one-quart clear zippered bag with 3 ounce bottles or less inside. Do leave your pocketknife and scissors at home or in your checked luggage. Be prepared to take off your shoes, belts with buckles, and your coat or jacket as you go through security. Your laptop, your shoes and your liquids in the 3-1-1 bags need to be put through separately. If you're carrying any gifts, keep them unwrapped. Do not overstuff any of your hand carried bags, as this will hold you up if security chooses to go through your bag. Keep everything neat, and use those packing cubes to organize everything.
To avoid holding up the line, and to keep the travelers behind you from becoming over-stressed, have your boarding pass and passport or photo identification handy at all times. Travel wallets are ideal for this purpose. There are convenient models that you wear around your neck, so you are not fumbling or searching when asked to provide this information. These airport express wallets are popular as corporate gifts. They often have a company name or logo monogrammed or silk-screened on them. They can also be monogrammed with your own initials. All of these tips should help you to have a more enjoyable trip that is stress free
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About the Author
Author is an expert writer on travel domain, and have great experience on travel writing. To get more details on Author, visit, domestic, domestic yatra
Pack your carryon with the correct travel accessories. The 3-1-1 bags is the only way you can carry liquids or gels onto the plane.
Pack your carryon with the correct travel accessories. The 3-1-1 bags is the only way you can carry liquids or gels onto the plane.
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